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How to Access the Serial Number of Ultraloq?

The Serial Number is a 16-digit number that starts with 8030...You can find it on the original package box, battery cover, or the Settings page of your Ultraloq in the U-tec APP. e.g. 8030123412341616


If you already set up the device with your account, tap the Device> Gear sign on the upper-right corner > Device Info.

You can scroll down to find the Serial number and Bluetooth MAC address.



If you cannot find the serial number in the U-tec app, please try to find the serial number on the sticker.


1. Ultraloq UL3 Series & Ultraloq Latch 5 Series



2. Ultraloq U-Bolt Series

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3. Ultraloq UL1/Combo



4. Ultraloq Lever

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5. Ultraloq Bridge.



6. Ultraloq AutoBolt 



 7. Ultraloq UL300


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