Although Ultraloq UL3 Series is a latch lock, according to our customer survey, more than 50% install Ultraloq UL3 Series on their front door.
If you install an Ultraloq UL3 Series in the Front Door or Exterior Door, which has the deadbolt hole, it will affect the deadbolt installation and can't cover the deadbolt completely. The following solutions will help you.
> Swap - install Ultraloq UL3 Series on the top hole and put the existing deadbolt on the lower hole.
> Using the Ultraloq Deadbolt Cover Plate (For Ultraloq UL3 / UL3 BT (2nd Gen) Only).
Note: This plate is only adaptive for the Ultraloq UL3/UL3-BT and pleases DON'T use it for the other models.